Monday, February 7, 2011

course response

The lecture about color got me really interested in taking design 310, so i rearranged my schedule to fit it for next quarter. Its an area where I feel my knowledge is really lacking, and it would help me improve my design work and art a ton. I've pretty much stuck with drawing in black and white for the past year or so, so I'm glad there's a course here dedicated completely to color. The TED talks that we watched were also quite interesting, though I shouldn't be surprised because they always seem to hold my attention. The sheer number or quality of improvements that can be made on products to help developing countries was exemplified by the water filtration bottle that was designed to allow for much cheaper clean water to be accessed in impoverished areas. Design of such products is always inspiring, and will no doubt lead to even further improvements to help those in need. Such examples also speak to the range of areas in which design is involved- its almost overwhelming in fact. I thought that now that I had narrowed my major to a design field I would have a much better idea about career paths, but I'm coming to realize that the design profession is extremely diverse in itself.

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