Monday, March 14, 2011

Journal ten

links to other team members blogs:

For our final project we developed a washing/drying machine for use in a college dorm or apartment. We decided on this object for our final idea because we thought it was the most unique of all our brainstorms and it was a need that everyone in the group had had in common. Overall, the team worked together really well. Each one of us had our own particular strengths, whether they be in technical drawing, research, presentation, or organization. 

My personal contribution to the group had more to do with the ideation and final drawings of the actual product. I worked a lot with Nick trying to figure out the shape of our washer, and how the technology that we discussed would fit into it. I feel like this part of the project turned out pretty well, and am happy with the experience that i got from working in a large group trying to finish the project on a limited time table. In the end, i feel like the project was a great cap to the class. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

journal nine

Links to other team members blogs:

Our project has come together nicely in the last week. We finalized our product, the logo for the new brand of Coleman that we created, and set out on individualized tasks to finish everything else up. The kiosk, packaging, target demographic, and technology research were all completed, and put together nicely into the presentation. The team works well together, on both an organizational and personal level. 

Individually, I have been focusing on the final drawings and mock-ups of the product. I drew up the sketches for the product specs, and an example of how it would fit into a typical dorm room. Along with everyone else in the group, I've contributed to the brainstorming of our ideas, and their evolution to our final presentation. 

The documentation of our work is mainly in the presentation itself- early sketches, finalized drawings, and kiosk examples. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Reading Reflection

In the final two chapters of the book, heskett discusses design in a professional sense: how it is understood, how it is evolving, and how it is interpreted in different contexts by individuals, companies, and countries themselves. I found that these two chapters really helped to complete my basic knowledge of the subject, and sparked my curiosity to take my understanding a step further. The final chapter about the future of design was one that also contained a lot of important information in regards to my future career and involvement in the field. I'm excited to see the types of ways that design evolves as i continue to grow in the field. 

Journal 08

Links to other team members blogs:

Thus far our project as been progressing quite well. We've decided that we're going to make a product aimed at the college student, as camping can be compared, at least in a small way, to the adventure of going out on one's own to live away from home for the first time in one's life. We discussed three potential products, those being a loftable bed/desk area, a couch that could be folded into a backpack, and a small personal washing unit. Over the weekend we worked individually on sketches and concepts to be presented to each other today in class. 
My personal contribution to the group has been in the discussion and brainstorming of our ideas, and in several conceptual sketches on the washing unit development. I have been focusing most intensely on this aspect because i feel like it has the most room for original and unique design as opposed to the first two of our ideas. 

I'm feeling confident on our progress so far, and know that after a few more meetings and discussions we'll be well on our way to successfully completing the assignment.

No scans of my work yet, still just some rough sketches. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

reading reflection

Chapter four talked a lot about waste, and how industry has created waste which can't be recycled as opposed to that of nature, which is in a constant process of reusing and reinventing itself. To expect humans to be able to function as efficiently as the processes of nature seems a little lofty of a goal, but at least trying to come close is admirable, and necessary if the environment is to be saved! The following chapters also placed a heavy focus on environmental issues, such as the diversity which exists around the world and how products should be tailored to the needs of specific people in their respective locations. Finally, this part of the book stressed the ways that this could actually be put into action. I felt like this was the most important section of the three chapters because it allows readers/designers to take ideas from the text and apply them to their own work/lives.

course reflection

I was really interested by the guest speakers who came in from Cobego this past week. Being able to listen to recent graduates from the program really gave me a lot of motivation to continue in the field and apply to the program next year. It was also nice to be able to hear from someone who had gone through the exact process pretty much, and it gave me a much clearer idea of what I would be getting into. They provided a lot of great information about traveling abroad as well, something that I definitely want to do. The fact that one of the students had studied in Helsinki I found particularly applicable because I traveled through Finland and Helsinki last summer. Even though he said everyone there pretty much spoke english, i can only imagine how difficult it might have been to survive in such a foreign place especially while taking design classes. Overall, the presentation they gave made for one of my favorite class periods so far in the class because it was filled with so much information that applied directly to me and my future.

online scavenger hunt

Outdoor camping and recreation gear:


Indoor homegoods:


An "indoor home good" is an object found in a house which can add to either the form or functionality of the living environment. 

home goods.jpg